Prices soften for sheep at exchange

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Sheep – March 11

Numbers reduced this week as agents offered 6486 lambs and 1739 sheep. Quality was again mixed throughout the sale.

Two Victorian processor orders did not operate this week with a general softening of prices. Store and fodder orders were also active on lighter lambs with specialty butchers providing some added competition.

Sheep quality was also mixed with prices here also easing.

Light store crossbred lambs ranged from $70 to $110 as the better lambs sold from $110 to $160. Ideal trade crossbreds sold from $130 to $155, heavy trades ranged from $180 to $190 with the few extra heavy weights easing to sell from $200 to fetching $165 to $175 per head.

Hoggets sold easier to fetch $60 to $135 per head. Heavy sheep sold from $110 to $125, trade weights sold from $80 to $90 with light sheep selling from $40 to $55 per head.

This market was reported remotely and no data is available.

Cattle – March 11

A smaller and mixed yarding of 160 cattle sold generally easier on type and condition. The usual trade and processor buyers were active along with specialty butchers and restockers and feeder orders.

Trade steers sold from 300 cents to 330 cents as trade heifers ranged from 300 cents to 310 cents per kilogram. Restocker steers sold from 280 cents to 315 cents, with heifers fetching 200 cents to 280 cents per kilogram.

Feeder steers ranged from 310 cents to 330 cents, with heifers fetching 290 cents to 300 cents per kilogram. Heavy steers sold from 280 cents to 300 cents with heavy heifers ranging from 260 cents to 280 cents.

Heavy cows sold from 260 cents to 280 cents as light cows ranged from 140 cents to 240 cents per kilogram. Bulls sold from 220 cents to 260 cents per kilogram.

This market was reported remotely and no data is available.

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