Wednesday, 26 March, 2025
Home Entertainment


Watch out for black spot on your roses

The Adelaide pageant has been and gone and now it will not be long before the heat and flies are here saying it is December,...

SA writers tell their story in Two Wells

Two Wells will host two South Australian authors this month, both with debut novels. Crime thriller writer Mercedes Mercier and fiction writer Denise Picton will...

Ratty Reads: TJR and tennis makes for a good read

Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid  I am always excited for a “TJR”, but when I had heard how much of a focus...

Amateur Gardner: Spring has sprung but watch out for weeds

Spring 2022 has arrived, with the days warming and the sunlight hours lengthening.  The weeds have multiplied and responded to the favourable weather conditions of...

Star flowers herald Spring

With September here we can say that spring is now starting. The season of spring is usually associated with the showy flowering plants like roses...

Ratty Reads: Murder mystery a long read but worth it

The Last Party by Clare Mackintosh So about halfway through reading this one I started to find it reallllyyyy long, and it is, but knowing...

Amateur Gardner: Snowdrops and Snowflakes to herald late in Winter

August is the third and last month of winter, and with it comes the delight of the almond blossom, lengthening of daylight hours, the...

Scientific Circus rolls into town

It’s time for the kids to put their science hats on with Two Wells Public Library hosting a fun after-school science workshop as part...

Ratty Reads: All Rhodes Lead Here by Mariana Zapata

I’ve got myself into a bit of a reading rut of late.  Romance reads have seemed too sugary and same-same, and I haven’t had the...

Amateur Gardener: Vivid violets and planting potatoes

One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four. Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes more. This old English counting rhyme could be talking about the crop you...

Drought issues taken to Parliament

Farmers from the Mid North, fed up waiting for recognition on the extent of the impacts of the current drought, brought their pleas to...